Our Programs

Training Programs

The expatriate children can immerse themself in a spectrum of cultural activities, from traditional performances to contemporary dances, Malayalam language, chess and basketball training and painting. Our calendar is fully filled with activities designed to engage, entertain, and enlighten the children in Vienna. All the programs are led by experts in their fields and students can learn them at an affordable fee.

Malayalam Language

Do you know Malayalam (മലയാളം) got designated as a "Classical Language of India" in 2013 and the spoken diaspora is about 34-35+ million people worldwide or even more…

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Professional Painting

Professional painting is a revered and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of artistic styles, techniques, and mediums. From traditional canvas paintings to contemporary mural art

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Classical Dance

Indian dance forms are an ancient and celebrated cultural tradition that even today Indians are acquainted with various art forms in every corner of the world. India, with its diverse cultural heritage, boasts a myriad of classical dance forms that have evolved over centuries.

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Cinematic and freestyle Dances

Cinematic dance is not just a form of dance style, but a mixture of different dance styles...one of the most popular dance items from India. Such dances, as an art form, transcend cultural boundaries

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Basketball Coaching

Basketball coaching is a multifaceted endeavor that combines strategic thinking, leadership, and a deep understanding of the game. Coaches play a pivotal role in shaping the skills, mindset, and teamwork of their players

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Chess Lessons

Chess, often hailed as the "game of kings," is a cerebral pursuit that requires strategic thinking, foresight, and tactical acumen. Aspiring chess players, whether beginners or seasoned enthusiasts...

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Coding Course

In the fast-paced digital era, coding has emerged as the language of innovation. This course is for beginners who are just dipping their toes into the world of programming and the impact that we create through coding is undeniable.

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Holy Mass Song Practice

As the Holy Mass is a sacred and profound ritual in our religious traditions, and the role of music in enhancing the worship experience cannot be overstated.

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